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1 About

Potato Security, security contractors from Fenris Punk. In the spirit of creating NPC details on my blog rather than in-universe, this private security group will often provide adversarial conflict for the PCs.

2 Shift Rotation

Actor Cron Desc
Apes 00 08 * * * First Shift
Cats 00 16 * * * Second Shift
Pigs 00 24 * * * Third Shift

3 Shift Checklist

The main idea is not a strict schedule, but for my own reference about what the contractors might be up, relative to what part of their shift they are currently on.

For context, most private security contractors wear self contained suits or full mechs with life support systems for bio breaks. Most non-meal breaktimes are used for stim smokes, drinks, or patches. d100 DC 85 to check if the individual cracks the seal on their suit to "take a breather". Even androids will participate in these practices.

Personal equipment maintenance can happen either on break or not depending on whether the source or severity of the issue.