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1 State of the dotfiles

Most of them were kind of a mess. A few years ago I started organizing them based on StreakyCobra's method but that turned into kind of a nightmare when trying to switch between different env configurations for personal, work, sandboxes at work, private details, etc.

So instead I've started sandboxing everything I can, which has actually solved some issues that I thought were inherent Java issues, but actually just one program fighting another one. For example:

      screen -S foo -d -m
      env -i \
          HOME=/home/actual/somewhere/foo \
          DISPLAY=:0.0 \
          COLORTERM=truecolor \
          TERM=xterm-256color \
          LOGNAME=foo \
          USER=foo \
      # C-a C-d
      pass -c foo/supersecret
      screen -r foo
      # profit

2 Terminal emulators

This might turn into a waste of time, but I decided to try out some different terminal emulators. It would be nice to find something lite, copyleft, and available on multiple platforms/DEs/WMs. I found these with an internet search. I did a `apt search "terminal emulator"` and also, the top 5 list results when I checked all had most of these:

2.1 Current top 3

2.2 Runners-up

2.3 Fonts

I also noticed that buster has: fonts-firacode

3 Thunderbird

I currently have an issue with Thunderbird clobbering the subject line in emails. I finally found out what happened. Apparently v78 needs a backport from a fix in v91. Or I need to use something else, either upgrade or move clients.

4 Reading

4.1 Watching