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1 Professionalism in Software Engineering

I actually started writing this post several weeks ago. I wanted to write something about professionalism in software engineering, compare and contrast Uncle Bob with Jim Coplien, discuss convenient agism against programmers at any age whenever it suits the agressor, and where professional software engineering actually sits on the steam specturm. I've watched and read much about these two over the years. I think these three videos sum up most of their points.

Jim Coplien and Bob Martin Debate TDD circa 2007

What went wrong with the IT-industry? - James Coplien circa 2017

The Future of Programming Languages at the Confluence of Paradigms circa 2020

2 Blog refactoring

I started working on a new ssg. Although I like using org to build my blog, I decided I wanted something compatible with the existing markdown-based websites I steward. So I started working on fenrisg1 which uses pandoc instead or org-mode. I still plan on using org format, though, fenrisg works with both.

3 Snippets

In other news, I've decided to consolidate all my stale repositories into myexperiments2. I also plan on moving all my snippets in there, but for now, I'll make it a habit of holding on to them and pasting them into my blog posts as I go along.

3.1 sorting in emacs

Sometimes it gets old mucking around with the variables. I started looking this one up, but I haven't actually added it to my dotfiles. 3

(defun sort-lines-nocase ()
        (defvar sort-fold-case)
        (let ((sort-fold-case t))
          (call-interactively 'sort-lines)))

3.2 ignoring noise in irssi

/ignore -channels #channel * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS

3.3 turn off "word wrap"


3.4 colour in bash

I come back to this all the time. 4

The tput option works great, but on remotes when running scripts, sometimes one will get the error:

tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

3.5 bash here-docs

Writing CLIs in Python with argparse and automatically generating usage/help prompts puts getopts to shame.


  1. fenrisg↩︎

  2. myexperiments↩︎

  3. sorting-in-emacs↩︎

  4. colour-in-bash↩︎