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1 Heatwave

I packed up all my 3d printing supplies earlier this month because it got hot for a few days. Then life happened. End of fiscal year at work always takes up a ton of extra effort. Then we had some colder days. And some extremely rainy days. One evening around 1800, the other one and I sat out under the back porch for 20 minutes while a downpour came down and flooded the yard. Probably the most rain I had seen in a year. Hopefully not the last rain I see before the equinox.

All that, and now Cascadia has reached some temperature highs that make our nightly lows on par with historic daily average highs.

2 emacs rename-file

Folks ask me all the time how to rename a file, especially an open file. Even though emacs has rename-file, the best way IMO is to open up the dir in dired, type R on the line of the desired file, and then type the new name/path into the minibuffer. It replaces the ambiguity of replacing the current file with rename-file which requires selecting it explicity first, even when starting from that file. But either way work.