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1 Update 2021-04-18

I saved and pushed this post the other day before I finished because I lost electricity. And over the last few days, I've updated the post.

2 Passing on

A person could write nothing but obituaries and never have enough time. So many folks have gone.

The news media, at least what I seem to read regularly, really likes to report on the UK monarchy. Prince Philip died. While I do not wish anyone ill, to me with the exception of fairytales, the monarchies in general represent tyranny and dictatorships. The idea of Arthur and the round table to me shows the dream that the powerful will hand over their rule to representatives of the common folks. I know that idea has some problems, but it feels like a good one to me.

3 RIP LaDonna Brave Bull Allard

I wish more of the world knew. Instead the celebraties get the press. Thank you for opposing DAPL.

4 The real reason to talk about passing on

Lots of folks have unjustfully been killed, pretty much for ever. From Brianna Taylor to Adam Toledo, it's just heart breaking. And it's not over yet. I can't do them justice and I don't know what to do to make things better other than to keep it libre and make donations to just organizations.


The entire story is a mess. RMS posted an apology, but it falls short. I have no direct stake other than I want Free Software to mean something good, unassociated with bigotry/drama. I watched the "foot video" and I don't know what to think about it.

6 Encryption via PGP/GPG

I can't remember if I wrote about these. At this point I mostly just need to keep them around.

7 Unrelated Developer Notes

I decided to setup one of my extra laptops for building icecat.

# LOCAL: login to a stale laptop
      sudo apt show openssh-server
      sudo systemctl status ssh
      sudo apt update && sudo apt install openssh-server
      sudo systemctl status ssh
      ip address
      # REMOTE: login again and disable the sleep on lid close
      sudo emacs -nw /etc/systemd/logind.conf
      # change to HandleLidSwitch=ignore
      # REMOTE: reboot then login again
      mkdir workspace
      cd workspace/
      git clone
      cd gnuzilla/
      # forgot to install deps and didn't use either tmux or screen
      sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
      sudo apt install mercurial rename
      # detach with C-a C-d and now I wait again