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The site will go down next week. I will write up a better entry later. I have not decided if I will continue to use a microblog or not.

2 Email

I found this 1 repo I think after reading about it from reddit and got the idea that maybe I should go back to just using email. Or rather, imap and smtp. I've had these bookmarked for a while.

3 Pop culture and personal life

After reading a graphic novel for Hilda and the Midnight Giant, I wanted to lookup the name of one of the giant characters but I think I found some trolls instead 2. It looks like someone has confused one character for another even though they appear in the same frame at least once and have different facial, chest, and hair appearances. I assume the folks commenting have mostly only watched the TV rather than have read/looked at the book. I didn't even post the comment.

I had some problems trying to archive it, so I will like to the original 3, which will change over time. I wonder if the wayback machine will survive all of what has happened on Earth recently.

I absolutely detest pop culture arguments. Back when I used to edit for Wikipedia, I got into a ruckus with someone regarding the Ridley Scott/HR Giger alien. It turned into this huge thing which partially lead to my decision to stop editing under my handle and later altogether.

This also partially relates to why I rarely discuss personal news/topics on my blog. I had a telephone stalker/harasser at one point who worked in a building a few blocks from where I worked at the time. But I guess one good thing about the pandemic stay-at-home means I probably won't run into them any time soon.

4 Pop culture and scifi

I read/watch lots of commentary online regarding older scifi that have had remakes, reboots, remarketings over the last several years. I think some of them have some good points when it comes to some universe that suddenly starts making a direct commentary about a current event in the world. But I dislike the opinions that attempt to make some kind of causal connection between being woke and bad writing.

PS: Using facebook/instagram or even twitter counters wokeness. Use the fediverse.

5 COVID-19

I decided that since Donald Trump wants to assign blame to call the virus so many slurs, that I would do something about that with a little bit of satire. Though, so far I've only registered the domain.

6 References
