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Current total number of installations: 4

I ran into a strange issue where the display will not turn back on after the system goes to sleep. I tried a number fixes, but toggling from one tty to another seems to bring it back.

After that I copied over some secrets files, emails, photos, etc.

After I get this finished, I might copy it to a page and just keep it current instead of writing a new post each time. Then again, it might help to have the posts for looking at changes over time, aside from the VC available in git.

Install basic set of projects:

1 Shell steps

I no longer need emacs-goodies-el. In the past I used it as a convenient way to get more packages into emacs quickly.

dd bs=2048 status=progress if=~/foo.img of=/dev/sdn
su root
      apt update && apt upgrade
      apt install sudo
      sudo adduser [USERNAME] sudo
      apt install \
          build-essential \
          curl \
          emacs \
          filezilla \
          flex \
          gimp \
          git \
          keepass2 \
          lzip \
          openconnect \
          p7zip-full \
          pelican \
          remmina \
          rsync \
          qtpass \
          synaptic \
          texinfo \
          thunderbird \
          unzip \
          vlc \
          zip \
          zlib1g \
          zlib1g-dev \

2 Firefox and Icecat

2.1 about:config


2.2 plugins

3 See also

4 References