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I had a hard drive crash on me. I spent a few days attempting to recover the data though I failed. Instead I restored from a backup. I lost a few hours of coding and a few of my org files that I generally just use to take notes. It make me think, maybe I should do everything in orgmode, even the blog. I found an example from I don't like some of the orgmode default configurations, though I probably could come up with something.

I spent some time researching a new SSG in general. Though I like pelican, it has some drawbacks. I dislike some of the default settings. I want less configuration, more convention. I tried Hakyll again, but my current laptop suffers from the initial compilation time.

If I migrate, I probably will let my permalinks go. Not that I expect anyone to have linked to me, but if so I apologize; I just have too much going on in life to maintain.

Over the last year I've had three publications. I should probably list those.