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This blog post used to be a page from an older version of the blog.

2 About

We should all record the stories from our ancestors so our children can remember them. I will do my best to help with some of my heritage. Also, to reiterate the wisdom of others:

We are unequivocally opposed to those who bring our spiritual heritage into disgrace by combining it with racial hatred or separatist doctrines.

The New Northvegr Center Mission Statement

Veit ec, at ec hecc vindgameidi a naetr allar nio, geiri undadr oc gefinn Odni, sialfr sialfom mer, a theim meidi, er mangi veit, hvers hann af rotom renn.

Havamal Strophe 138

3 Myths of the myths

4 Remote Sources

4.1 External Archives: