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This page contains a bunch of links to what I have some interest in. Some of my interests have changed over time. Also, some parts might still have outdated information.

1 [Feeds](./#feeds)

2 [Food](./#food)

3 [Jokes](./#jokes)

4 [Labour Concerns](./#labour)

5 [Language](./#language)

6 [Myths, Legends, Tall Tales](./#myths)

7 [Software](./#software)

8 [AFT](

> Eating, using, or generally consuming fewer or even no animal products has positive effects on Earth, fellow beings, and personal health.

9 [The Vegan Zombie](

10 [Vegan with a Vengance](

11 [Food Fight!](

12 [Piece of Cake](

13 [Olé Latte](

14 [Peaceful Cuisine]( by ビデリシャス

## Salad Dressing Two versions, depending on the desired flavour. If using an overly strong apple cider vinegar, reduce the amount slightly or water it down to keep the volume.

15 1.5 cups/24 Tbsp/355 mL vegan mayonnaise

16 1.0 cups/16 Tbsp/237 mL vinegar, balsamic or apple cider

17 0.25 cups/4 Tbsp/60 mL mustard

18 1 tsp/4 g sugar

19 1 tsp/4 g salt

20 1 tsp/4 g pepper

21 If one really wants to tease the extreme Linux users, claim one uses GNU/kLinux.

22 I'll take the banana flavoured banana.

These contain lists goods and services domenstically made in the US, unless otherwise noted with a &#37; for partial US manufacturing or a &#33; to note verification is needed. Please inform me of errors and I will make corrections. Also included, are some employee unions. <br><br>

## Manufacturers <ul> <li><a href="">All American Clothing</a></li> <li><a href="">American Apparel</a></li> <li><a href="">Chrome</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">Cutco</a> &#37; some non-knife products not US-made</li> <li><a href="">Danner</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">DeFeet</a></li> <li><a href="">Justice Clothing</a></li> <li><a href="">Leatherman</a></li> <li><a href="">Liberty Bottleworks</a></li> <li><a href="">Mag Instrument</a></li> <li><a href="">Mushkin</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">New Balance</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">Sleek Audio</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">Union Label</a></li> <li><a href="">Wabi Woolens</a></li> </ul>

## Other Made in the United States Websites <ul> <li><a href="">Americans Working</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">Made in Oregon</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">Made in Portland</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">Made in USA</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">Made in USA Forever</a> &#33;</li> <li><a href="">U.S. Stuff</a> &#33;</li> </ul>

## Crowd Funding <ul> <li><a href="">Indiegogo</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">Kickstarter</a> &#37;</li> <li><a href="">Wikipedia comparison of crowd funding services</a> &#37;</li> </ul>

## Unions <ul> <li><a href="">IATSE Local 28</a> Portland, Oregon</li> <li><a href="">SEIU</a></li> <li><a href="">AFT</a></li> </ul>

I often visit public broadcasting websites. Note that some require flash. See also [/category/languages.html](/category/languages.html)

23 Open Culture [Learn 48 Languages Online for Free: Spanish, Chinese, English & More](

24 [ASL](

25 [Cherokee-English Dictionary Online Database](

26 Japanese [KanjiVG]( and an [instance](

27 Belgium Flemish Dutch [VRT]( with [television]( available to residents with an account and [canvas]( with some avaible to anyone

28 Icelandic [Viltu læra íslensku?](

29 [beginner course in modern Icelandic](

30 [Icelandic entry at omniglot](

31 [Kalaallisut](

32 [Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa](

33 [Nuuk TV](

34 [NRK Sápmi](

35 [Sveriges Radio]( and [Sameradion & SVT Sápmi](

36 [YLE Sámi Radio](

## Old Norse, Old Icelandic, Dansk tunga

37 [The Vikings of Bjornstad, Old Norse Dictionary](

38 [A Guide to Icelandic Pronunciation](

39 [](The Old Norse Language)

40 [Norrœna Old Norse Tongue](

41 [Norse myths](../norse)

> These contains a list of free (as in freedom) software as well as related hardware, licensing, activism, history, and philosophy links. Also, I include some notable exceptions.

## Community Services Also including Activism, Critique, Philosophy, Liberty

42 [Free Software Foundation](

43 [What is free software?]( - RMS's four freedoms

44 [FDR's four freedoms]( - not to confuse with RMS's four freedoms and not to forget the hypocrisy of Japanese-Americans who faced internment by FDR

45 [Electronic Frontier Foundation](

46 [Freepost]( - the free social news media forum community

47 [LibrePlanet](

48 [Officially recognized GNU distros](

49 [Your Language Sucks](, a critique of some popular programming languages

50 [ContraCode](, web hosting provider in the Netherlands focused on freedom

## Softwares

51 [Arduino]( libre hardware

52 [Cygwin]( Get that UNIX feeling - on Windows (FTFY) if you find yourself stuck there

53 [Debian GNU/kFreeBSD](

54 [Dragora](

55 [The Emacs wiki](

56 [F-Droid](

57 [FreeDOS Project](

58 [FreeBSD Project](

59 [FreeSlack](

60 [The GNU-Darwin Distro]( based on [Darwin OS and XNU Kernel]( with some similarities to [PureDarwin Project](

61 [GNU Hurd](

62 [Linux-Libre Project, FSFLA GNU](

63 [CMU CS Project Mach]( (contains some stale data)

64 [Guix]( the purely functional package manager for the GNU system

65 [Haiku OS](

66 [Libre Game Wiki](

67 [Libre Office](

68 [libreboot](, deblobbed [coreboot](

69 [MediaGoblin](

70 [Minix](

71 [OpenPhoenux](

72 [Pygame]( a Python API for [Simple DirectMedia Layer](

73 [ReactOS Project](

74 [Replicant](

75 [Savannah](

76 [seL4](

77 [Syllable Desktop](

78 [ThinkPenguin](

79 [Trisquel](

80 [Visopsys](

81 [Wine Project](

> These are a list of historically important, software-related people, everyone should know about.

<ul> <li><a href="">Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.</a> (his professional page)</li> <li><a href="">Bill Gates</a> (his personal blog)</li> <li><a href="">Admiral Grace Hopper</a> (History of Computing Project)</li> <li><a href="">Gabe Newell</a> (Valve developer page)</li> <li><a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a> (ESR's personal page)</li> <li><a href="">Richard Stallman</a> (RMS's personal page)</li> <li><a href="">Andrew Tanenbaum</a> (his professional page)</li> <li><a href="">Linus Torvalds</a> (Wikipedia article)</li> <li><a href="">Alan Turing</a> (created, maintained by Jack Copeland)</li> <li><a href="">Steve &#34;The Woz&#34; Wozniak</a> (personal page)</li> </ul>

> These are a list of other media distribution sites, however they are not necessarily libre.

<ul> <li><a href="">Romulation</a> (gratis games, fair use by preservation?)</li> <li><a href="">Good Old Games</a> (DRM-free games)</li> <li><a href="">Humble Bundle</a> (many DRM-free games, books, etc)</li> </ul>