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This page contains the archive of my microblog from

I have not completely converted it back to markdown so some of it has noise from legacy php.

## 2014bog2

### 2014-06-17

<a href=""> Unjust laws exist</a>, wrote Henry David Thoreau.

### 2014-06-14

OCRemix has a new album called <a href=""> Shellshocked</a>, a tribute to TMNT. After reading more about the <a href="">ACLU case against cell phone tracking</a> my opinion or understanding has changed compared to what I wrote earlier this week. I definitely think that tracking a person based on information provided by a carrier needs a warrant. I still think that tracking a signal seems like the same thing as looking at someone's house to see if the lights are on. But somewhere connecting the two crosses a privacy expectation. Today, flag day, seems like a good day to talk about privacy rights. The EFF has a websited called <a href="">The TOR Challenge</a>

### 2014-06-08 Another paper I have started digesting, <a href="">The Future of Employment</a>, has some really good points. I still have not finished it yet, but some of my questions have not found answers yet. Does the prospect of a lack of jobs mean that we have too many people? Or perhaps that not everyone needs to work anymore? What happens to people who do not have a job? Even in today's economy, if some jobs become eliminated, then why do some fields have a need for volunteer workers? Do volunteer workers only exist because we do not have money to pay them? If so, then if a job becomes eliminated but we still have work to do, but we require that someone do it for gratis, then do we have need for such computer systems? Can we agree that if a person works a volunteer job then that person must have some other means to provide for themselves, whether that means comes from another non-volunteer job present or past or from another person? Does money equate to a means to provide for oneself? If volunteer jobs still exist then have we actually replaced the jobs with computerized systems? If a volunteer job exists does that mean the employer simply does not have the means to pay the employee? Looping questions, stopping that. If everyone still works as often, and we have all of these computer systems that make things easier or if all of the same amount of work gets done with less effort from people, then why does that lead to a disparate or poorer population when they have so much extra time? Does that happen because they make less money? How do money, production, and effort relate to each other? I think of money as abstract production. I think of effort as work over time. How do money, production, and effort relate to computers? Computers reduce effort in trade for a smaller negative change in money ior production or better yet in a positive change in both money and production. It seems like the only answer. Otherwise, more effort for smaller positive changes in money ior production or negative changes in both money and production. The latter choice seems illogical for survival, but that seems like the option that many people have, perhaps the only option. And do we still have known jobs that no one works on? Who does those? Volunteers.

### 2014-06-07 I just finished reading the ars technica article on <a href="">&quot;How Florida cops went door to door with fake cell device to find one man.&quot;</a> I think the article presents some good information, maybe the cops needed more permission from the courts to enter the house or maybe they had probable cause. Either way, I feel like the article does not give a complete picture. Cell phones do not respect the freedom of the user. For one thing, and I would honestly appreciate correction on this, a mobile device does not allow the user to choose the wireless access point. Maybe the possibility exists. SatStat and Tricorder on Fdroid for Android give some information on radio transmitters, but they do not give me the ability to choose which one to connect to. For example, when I turn on my cell phone, I cannot choose which wireless tower to connect to. It just happens. That said, how can I expect to have a reasonable expectation of privacy when my mobile connects directly to the carrier's cell phone towers? Personally, I think I should know which wireless access point my phone connects to and to have the choice whether or not I want to connect to an access point that I have never connected to before. The thought of someone tracking me gives me the creeps, but this does not come as a result of cops performing a basic search, this comes from a lack of software ior hardware freedom. On the other hand, if the cops clone a particular cell phone tower or place a transmitter on a person with the permission of the courts via warrant, then I think that opens a different discussion. I do not think you can get mad at the cops, in general, for using a &quot;really aggressive and invasive&quot; device when we do not even live in a private world as we know it. What if the cops, or specifically the FCC (both still executive), needed to find a source of interference? If we knew a suspect loved original Nintendo games and scanned for 61.25 MHz interference from approximate analogue channel three, does that mean an invasion of privacy? Or if a suspect has an obsession with strobe lights, cannot the cops drive around a neighborhood looking for flashing house windows? If you make radio transmissions, then people can find you, so you have no expectation of privacy. The only way to solve the privacy issue would involve free software, free hardware, and some additional out-of-band forms of transmission.

### 2014-06-05 I found a nice, short tutorial for using emacs <a href="">vc-resolve-conflicts</a> to deal with conflicts when trying to merge during a commit in git. This article rebuts many things that conservative skeptics bring up when talking about the economy. <a href="">Critical Questions for Americans</a>.$stop;

### 2014-06-03 <a href="">Seattle to raise their city minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour.</a> I removed the redirect for dagbog. I have created an archive of older ublogs by season in my ".$preUri.$offset."dagbog">dagbog</a> directory, though make note that the directory currently redirects back here. I have seasons listed, such as ".$preUri.$offset."dagbog/2014vetr/">dagbog/2014vetr/</a>. Also note this particular entry has only php with all the markup spit out. Not sure if I save any time this way. hehe

### 2014-06-02 <p> I keep running into this story from the ACLU about the little girl <a href="">who died during a SWAT bust</a>. Errare humanum est. The ACLU questions whether SWAT should exist, but it might rest upon whether or not the judges who permitted the raid should have granted it. Lots of what-ifs for poor Aiyana Jones or the mysterious vet, Jose Guerena, who wanted to protect his family. </p>

### 2014-05-31

Facebook. &quot;It's &#91;gratis&#93; and always will be.&quot; FTFY In general, regarding the notes I wrote earlier today, it seems to me that most of these problems boil down to something simple of a misunderstanding. My analogy does not seem perfect, but the idea relates to confusing one idea with another one. Squares belong to the rectangle set, but car thiefs do not belong to the set of mechanical engineers just as crackers do not necessarily belong to the hackers set. I could continue to use the car metaphor or I could use the shapes metaphor to create a better analogy. But regardless of how sound the analogy appears, the main idea still relates to confusion.

<a href="">Security researchers say they have been threatened with indictment for their work investigating internet vulnerabilities.</a> I find this troubling, even though the article's explanations are vague. A long comment by <a href="">user chilinux</a> points out many flaws with the events the article describes. I need to point out the logic to distinguish between the often confused difference between a hacker and a cracker. For the latter, a good analogy seems like a mechanical engineer and a car thief. Mechanical engineers and hackers build things while car thiefs and crackers break into things. But this does not mean that a cracker excludes one from a hacker. This has similarity to confusing a rectangle with a square. You might have a rectangle that looks fairly equal on all sides, like an older 4x3 television screens. But to call it a square would promote a falsehood and spread confusion. The user chilinux makes a good point along these lines with the &quot;Heartbleed Virus&quot; which points to another example of sreading false, confusing statements.

### 2014-05-29 <p> I found a website called <a href="">Couches For Afghans</a> that matches up these crafty hounds with people who can give them a place to crash. Also found a related site that might mirror the listings on <a href="">Rescueme dot org</a>.</p>

### 2014-05-27 <p> <a href="">Lee's emacs settings file</a> has enough to get lost in for a while. </p>

### 2014-05-23 <p> I don't want to get too anal, but if Chrome OS and Android <a href="">are not Linux</a> then <a href="">Android's Not Linux</a>, or ANL. Further, if GNU's not Unix, then perhaps <a href="">GNU-kfreeBSD</a> should go by the name of GNNU, in order to remain logically true. I just had a thought that the Enterprise C probably only still had gravity in Yesterday's Enterprise because of the television production budget. Either that or because Shooter McGavin stabilized the environmental support systems. heh <a href="">Building a laptop libre</a>. I just want to make a note that most of the time people reference a security concern, they really mean safety or reliability. In fact, it would not surprise me if DDoS should belong more to the realm of those as well. </p>

### 2014-05-18 <p> Shared an awesome oatmeal comic about the <a href="">Tesla Model S</a>. Though, on a side note, it presupposes that &quot;we&quot; every worried about viking raids. Oh but of course! Look at those silly hats we have on! Do you think that coffee has fair trade cert? Okay fine, the comic made me laugh. The &quot;meteoric rise&quot; made me think of Earth upsidedown and a meteor rising &quot;up&quot; to crash into it, rather than the usual fall as meteors by def. Punching a hole in the crust like a concave-only version of the Niven Fist-of-God, &quot;all about the butt cheeks&quot;. </p>

### 2014-05-17 <p> The OpenBSD project has forked OpenSSL v1.0.1g to create <a href="">LibreSSL</a>. They made a <a href="">slideshow about the first 30 days</a>.</p>

### 2014-05-09 <p> Looks like someone found a way to get around using so much xml configuration in <a href="">Android programs</a>. I share this so often with other people, I might as well post it. <a href="">CSS Positioning</a> basics that everyone should know. <a href="">C program using OO design</a>. I had to post this. <a href="">Rainfall comparison Portland vs Corvallis</a>. </p>

### 2014-05-08 <p> Once, a mighty rectangle wanted everyone to call it a square. It pleaded and cried, but no one believed it. <a href="">Debian OS</a> sought approval from the FSF as a free system a couple years ago. I can think of other analogies. A vegetarian restaurant that serves bacon with breakfast seems like the best to me. Why does Debian want to stop eating bacon, so to speak? Do they want vegetarian status? Just stop serving the bacon in the restaurant. People can eat the bacon somewhere else. Or they can bring their own bacon! Yes! </p>

### 2014-05-07 <p> I just spent the last hour or so changing around the &micro;blog. I really do need to start moving these off to an archive because this page feels a bit out of control. If <a href="">these transistors have only 2 dimensions</a> does that mean atoms are null-dimensional or degenerate-dimensional? Apparently I stumbled upon a huge ongoing debate from the patent work about whether or not <a href="">software exists as an element, a subset, or an equivocation to math</a>. </p>

### 2014-05-06 <p> I have much interest in web applications that use C++ for their primary language. I found out that <a href="">OkCupid</a> and <a href="">CppCMS</a> use C++. "Yeah, next time, guys, just tell me the damn plan." - Bruce Campbell as Sam Axe</p>

### 2014-05-01 <p> Re-found the <a href="">NPR Best Books 2013</a> list. "We left behind violence with the era of scarcity that the mentally ill used to excuse it." -Niven & Lerner <a href="">Elliptic Curve Calculator</a> on a piece of paper. When you visit a convention with people from all over the world you run into some silly things that some people argue over. Pronunciations and naming seem like two of them. Soda or pop? Sol xor Sun? GNU/Linux xor Linux? GNU ior Linux? If a generic OS, meaning Unix-like with Linux (kernel), Linux or linux? Or xor Ior!? Collisions of UUID or meteors? Disagreement and instance. Has-a xor is-a? Beta or testing or beta testing? Lamp or bulb? Ein as in mine (American PNW English) or mane (American PNW English)? German vowels or European Continental vowels?</p>

### 2014-04-24 <p> I started reworking some of the backend of my website. It feels like a toy. I play with it and sometimes break it. </p>

### 2014-04-20 <p> I watched Jobs, the movie about Steve Jobs. I may have to change some of my statements in one of writtings in my mytrolls section. For example, the movie gives Steve Wozniak credit for coining the term "operating system" and it also shows that the first PC came from Apple, not IBM. If all of that has truth, then I should probably make corrections. </p>

### 2014-04-17 <p> At one point, this website used to have an htaccess file, but I removed it for some reason I cannot remember. Anyway, <a href="">htaccess-guide</a> has some good refreshers. I fixed a few hyperlinks that were broken. Not the destinations, intended, but rather my typographical error. I think I should consider how to archive older ublog entries to keep the front page manageable. </p>

### 2014-04-14 <p> I need to dump some links I had read from last week: Truongtx explains <a href="">Bitlbee</a> in Emacs. Using floss to <a href="">protect against patents</a>. Reading about Netflix reminds me of sports. I read a bit on this <a href="">blog about using Netflix in gnu/linux</a> and a project called <a href="">pipelight</a> for doing so. I found a floss hardware project called <a href="">Novena</a>. I should add <a href="">LibreBoot</a> to my software page. </p>

### 2014-04-10 <p> <a href="">UnPlug</a> has made watching youtube so much easier than trying to use the website with flash in a free unix-like system. I found <a href="">101 LINQ samples</a> which has helped out quite a bit. <a href="">PoorSQL</a>, the free software T-SQL formatter! <a href="">Redis</a> the data structure server! Cool. =D I ran into some more problems with Zero-K after installing it a few days ago. Sometimes the game just hangs when loading a level. A new version, <a href="">Guix</a> 0.6, came out yesterday. A few days ago I pasted several links into a text file so that next time I posted here. For some reason all of the forward slashes died. </p>

### 2014-04-05 <p> Well, Mono and Zero-K work. But after seeing a zillion of these "~/Zero-K.exe Error : 0 : Error recieving data System.ObjectDisposedException: The object was used after being disposed." errors in Zero-K, I have to express that "I after E except after C or when sound like an A [or in words such as receive omg stupid rule]". Today I laughed at the irony of an <a href="">open source code obfuscator</a>. Last week's Humble Bundle gave people the option to send their payment to some floss game projects <a href="">Haxe</a>, <a href="">Ren'Py</a>, <a href="">OpenFL</a>, and <a href="">FlashDevelop</a>, all of which I probably mispronounce. This fragmentation of a what could become a well-formed thought just needs saving so here: I find myself playing fewer video games as I age. The whole free software thing nags at me, too. But I do find interest in crowdfunding projects such as <a href="">After Reset</a>. Crowdfunding is freedom, but not for software in particular and only for those who own excess cash. How to justify this for those who have the cash? Assume I err; I take no pride. D So, if trusted computing bases existed to allow this without the need for third-party intervention such as Intel's Trusted Execution Technology, I think video games could partition themselves away from software in the way that firmware went the other direction. However, firmware feels like it came back to software with projects such as Coreboot. Another classification of software that might include deterministic entertainment such as a movie file. Or if more people read machine code as in the binaries themselves. Of course then I think of <a href"">slide 73</a> (you will have to scroll to it). "Do not trust a single binary provider." Crowdfunding in this case feels like hiring a mercenary. It solves one issue, but feeds another. RIP <a href="">Charles R. Jordan</a>, 1937 to 2014 I recently installed <a href="">Andrew Nayenko's exfat tools</a> and thus far have found convenience and satisfaction. </p>

### 2014-04-04

<p> I find it hilarious that even with the Groovy libraries ior plugins that Eclipse still thinks that groovy is a misspelled word. This afternoon I installed and then built a basic app using Maven and Java 7 SDK with the help of <a href="">this Maven In Five Minutes tutorial</a>. Looks like <a href="">MySQL for Excel</a> breaks on a 404 during installation. I tried installing it at work today for the project next week and it failed for me also. Looks like the problem has existed for nearly three months now. </p>

### 2014-03-30

<p> Starting with today I have reformatted my entries so I can link to them. However, I think I will need to figure out an archive process as well. Perhaps archives under the mytrolls section. I might throw in a redirect from a blog subdir so it makes more sense. <a href="">The Economics of Star Trek</a> makes me hope that if we do not off ourselves as a species in the next fifty years that we might have a chance at something better. <a href="">When the Government Outsources to Private Companies, Inequality Gets Worse</a> by Michelle Chen of Common Dreams. </p>

### 2014-03-29 <p> Well, I read way too much of this forum about <a href="">UNIX vs LINUX vs BSD</a> on the LinuxQuestions website. In the Burn Notice episode An Eye for an Eye, the protagonists stumble for the equivalent of a duress password. What happens? Bruce Campbell's character goes to meet someone at a restaurant, but it turns out that asking for that person by name signals an emergency. I love spy dramas and better yet I lust over finding connections between espionage and software. In this case, information security links to the two, particularly in <a href="">Clark and Hengartner’s paper</a> all about authenicating under duress. </p>

### 2014-03-27 <p> <a href="">Family Budget Calculator</a>, though note that it does not include an option on the webpage for two adults without a child which would make an excellent control case. "[Those] who would sacrifice correctness for performance deserves neither." - <a href="">Joel Coehoorn</a> I became happy when I found a <a href="">gedit markdown</a> config file. If you install for Windows, start in the GNU/Linux section and download the same package. Wow. Just wow. <a href="">North Korea Animation DPRK anti USA Imperialism Invasion</a>. I can't decide if I should laugh or cringe. Well, I have to give it to them. Microsoft has tons of <a href="">really good documentation</a>.</p>

### 2014-03-26 <p> I read Paulk's post about the <a href="">Samsung Galaxy backdoor</a> a few days ago, but wanted to link to it just in case… Some of my friends are working on projects. I sent one of them <a href="">this forum post on stackoverflow</a> to help them create branches from existing projects. There feels like definitely some eliticism in the world when it comes to titles. After watching the Aalto talk with Linus Torvalds, on 2014-03-18, where he jokes about real programming versus management of information systems, I have run into two other encounters in person when people object to claiming the title of programmer. What this shows, that opinions range, makes me feel dislike. In my opinion, if you make the hardware server your needs then you are a programmer of some kind, even if incidentally. I certainly would not discount web development based on the title, for certainly that type of programming has a larger scope than programming on just one computer. </p>

### 2014-03-23 <p>University of Maryland puts together a strategy to make <a href=",0,6567208.story">gratis and libre</a> textbook materials. MIT, Cal State, and Washington State University also have similar programs. I think the problem at this point is buy-in (harhar) from the curriculum developers to incorporate these texts. </p>

### 2014-03-22 <p> Omg the <a href="">CodeCombat</a> uses CoffeeScript. Looks like in addition to standard Android SDK and the interesting <a href="">Pygame subsets</a> (and some similar Pygame and SDL projects) the <a href="">Sequoyah NDK</a> can supplement Android development as well. This blog from <a href="">mindtherobot</a> looks a little old but has some great information and might provide a good starting point. The <a href="">KolibriOS</a> has caught my attention. Just found <a href="">cross-gnu</a>, an interesting looking package. I recommend <a href="">Method 2</a> for anyone who wants to create an encrypted archive. I cannot explain how pumped up I feel about how <a href="">The PLUG</a> will have Linus Torvalds as their next guest speaker on April 3. </p>