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This page contains the archive of my microblog from

I have not completely converted it back to markdown so some of it has noise from legacy php.

## 2014bog1

### 2014-03-18 <p> After watching the <a href="">2012 Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds</a> it seems amazing to hear the story about how Linux almost did not make it as the mainstream FLOSS UNIX-like kernel distro. Torvalds describes his programming experience as accidentals or incidentals such as going from hacker to entrepreneur (he prefers to label himself as an engineer) or misunderstandings such as the difference between assembly and machine language (actually quite and understandable mistake). Torvalds says he did not plan the success of Linux, so it leaves me wondering, what if…? I decided to stop and go back to the <a href="">Jargon File</a> this evening. Thanks ESR. =) =) Earlier today while reading an article on what the true meaning of hacker means (cannot recall the article) and I ran across Linus's Law again. Then it hit me that ESR and Brooks are at odds with each other; No Silver Bullet contradicts and disputes Linus's Law, whether or not intentionally. That being said, I must side with Brooks who clearly has a better case, to ESR who only has a clever adage. </p>

### 2014-03-15 <p> NASA posted more about the progress with the <a href="">Orion spacecraft</a>. I was messing around with the desktop environment settings in Trisquel and then started making destructive changes because I like to tinker with things. So I found a forum on <a href="">how to wipe out the preferences</a> to start over. I think I did the same thing a few months ago in Debian in LXDE. </p>

### 2014-03-11 <p> This morning on my way to work I read <a href="">about Rockstar on arstechnica</a>. They exemplify a patent troll in the purest sense. </p>

### 2014-03-09 <p> When I read about <a href="">clang vs free software</a> a couple months ago, for half a moment I thought we were talking about <a href="">CLANG</a> or <a href="">Clang!</a> but quickly realized it was in relation to <a href="">gcc</a>. I keep stumbling across this ongoing debate. Some people have spoken about how the gcc community is not as nice (missing citation), but that is more of a reason to fork the project(s) not to not use free software or copyleft. More noteworthy is <a href="">FreeBSD</a> and the possibility of Debian (missing citation) to move to clang. Yet the strangest claim is that just because one group decides to not use gcc and chooses Clang for some reason means that gcc is no longer a valid option. Since when is popularity the driving factor for software? And isn't Clang part of LLVM which is pushed by Apple? If popularity, then everyone would be using Android phones and Windows 7 laptops, with desktops obsolete in our garage sale pile. On an unrelated tangent from work on finding the ShareThis icon in some proprietary softwares that have presently slipped my mind: The <a href="">response from ShareThis support</a> sounds proprietary even though it is <a href="">licensed GLP et al</a>. <a href="">BitTorrent Sync</a> looks like a great decentralized alternative to Dropbox. Sometimes I wish I had the patience for projects such as the <a href="">Trash Pro</a> (originally <a href="">posted here</a>). </p>

### 2014-03-07 <p> Looks like GnomeMeeting changed their name to <a href="">Ekiga</a> when I had my eyes and ears on Empathy and Pidgin instead. Seems like people have quite a few alternatives to SIP and H.323 audio-video teleconferencing. And of course, forget not Mumble for audio, though I think I read they might consider expanding into video sometime in the future. I am excited to try out the <a href="">Artemis Bridge Simulator</a>. According to the FAQ it looks like it does not use DRM. Too bad it is not libre. Why did <a href="">WTC Building 7</a> fall? </p>

### 2014-03-05 <p> Potential free software joke: <a href="">Pepsi-Free</a> If <a href="">Blackphone</a> and PrivatOS catch on we might find ourselves in a whole lot of freedom. <a href="">Road Bike Party 2 - Martyn Ashton</a>. These guys are most impressive. I like the somersaults. </p>

### 2014-03-03 <p> I learned something interesting today about transitivity after I asked for a redirect update to a website link. <a href="">cURL</a> supports HTTP redirects, but as a client not as a server. Thus if using cURL, it will follow the direct, but not necessarily by default will it lead the client-user (probably a human using a browser) to the redirect. The actual problem we faced was related to using char set meta tags that broke Internet Explorer 10 (older and newer versions seem to be fine, for all my tests, three different boxes) from accepting the redirect header to follow, which cURL warns against even for itself. I verified it against my own redirects and <a href="">softswot http-header checker</a>. The man page has some interesting options that might solve the issue such as <a href="">the header</a> and <a href="">the referer</a>, but none of these actually makes a redirect as elegantly as, for example, a simple php header(Location) redirect. </p>

### 2014-03-02 <p> If you prefer to not export an Android package in Eclipse by right-clicking on the project in Package Explorer, choosing Android Tools and "Export un/signed application package" then read this alternative from the <a href="">command line</a>. Where would I be without the group knowledge? Thanks to the <a href="">Trisquel forums</a> I can now backup some of my own personal releases. Is it ironic that I would need to backup my own work? I used <a href="">k9copy</a> with the <a href="">libdvdcss</a> library. Some of the default settings automatically split the file by chapter, which is perfect for just showing a clip. </p>

### 2014-03-01 <p> I found a <a href="">tutorial ifixit</a> and a <a href="">guide to laptop cards</a> that helped out with a wlan card replacement. </p>

### 2014-02-28 <p> Another book to check out by recommendation of a former professor called <a href="">Understanding digital signatures</a> by Gail L Grant. </p>

### 2014-02-26 <p> Lee Hutchinson looks back at the <a href="">Columbia, STS-107</a> disaster and imagines, what if?… Keunwoo Lee has a page <a href="">Quit Today!</a> that is humorous and informative. When developing on a counter-spyware system with no administrative privies, the best option imo is <a href="">Qupzilla</a> for an alternative browser and <a href="">Pendriveapps</a> for everything else inclusive. </p>

### 2014-02-25 <p> Jasig has a bit to say about <a href="">copyleft</a>. Related to the thoughts on the term "viral" <a href="">Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week</a> has written an article contrasting viral license and viral media. As for copyleft and licenses that require the same license in derivative works, I think the analogy of GPL being a virus is incorrect. Stallman's analogy of this <a href="">spider plant</a> works, but it lacks the elegancy of remaining a medical or biological context. A vaccine is a better analogy because users apply or participate by choice, it is intended to do good, and a significant portion of the public fears the vaccine because of voodoo communist magic. I personally know two people who have not vaccinated their children for fear of government or corporate conspiracies. That being said, I asked three people (person one prompted this pondering post) earlier today of their thoughts on licenses and communism came up twice. More on communism, Hans Bezemer suggests we <a href="">try baking bread</a> and avoid the pitfalls and tradeoffs that come with labeling any sort of software development. Okay, fine, Bezemer had more to say than iktus about bread. I suppose that <a href="">Scholarpedia</a> seems like a better place to contribute to articles that are related to my professional, academic, and amateur expertise. Wikipedia is weak in that it concedes to the will of the masses, albeit democratic, the short story <a href="">The Lottery</a> by Shirely Jackson is the perfect example of the tradeoff. I cannot know for certain, but it looks like one of my previous entries from around when the snow happened has disappeared. Must have happened between January 28 and February 6. I shall brain dump. Please pardon any repeats. Looks like Overclocked Remix <a href="">announced they have their own record label</a>. Click here for the <a href="">direct link</a>. Spain still has <a href="">conquistadores</a>. You can <a href="">control a simulated ET rover</a> on Extrasolar. I will possibly never play either Candy Swipe or Candy Crush, <a href="">but their trademark conflicts</a> are depressing. Style varies even in <a href="">sql</a>. Gedit has <a href="">enough plugins to be a basic IDE</a>. This article shows the top languages for new projects on <a href="">github</a>. One of my coworkers, linhartr22, has some interesting projects <a href="">on github</a>. I learned about <a href="">Getmail</a> but had trouble using it with each of my accounts. Probably user error, I know, but now I move on. I found out about the <a href="">Calagator</a> from <a href="">The PLUG</a> and <a href="">FreeGeek</a> </p>

### 2014-02-22 <p> The New York Times reports <a href="">a tuition-gratis online university</a> called <a href="">The University of the People</a> has received accredidation and seven students have recently earned degrees. </p>

### 2014-02-21 <p> <a href="">Geeksphone</a> has a new phone called the Revolution that uses an Intel chip and can boot to Android or B2G (renamed Firefox OS). I recently used the <a href="">Glassgiant ascii generator</a> to put some graphics into my source code at work. I have heard very little about the <a href="">DD-WRT</a> project in a long time. I wonder how they fare. Down memory lane: I used to work as an editor while the other half of my office was used for teleconferencing. Of all the courses I can remember, the <a href="">Chinuk Wawa</a> class was the most interesting. </p>

### 2014-02-20 <p> RMS posted <a href="">a link to this</a> on his website with respect to the Steam VAC. If I may paraphrase, his argument is that <a href=" ">Valve developers and the cheat developers</a> are proprietary software developers who are using their customers' computers as the setting for their disputes. </p>

### 2014-02-18 <p> My Norse page is so sad. Just a bunch of links, really. On the to do list… Dark Horse Announces <a href="">The Sakai Project</a>. Think Usagi Yojimbo. Well after reading about <a href="">Netflix and Verizon</a> I read about <a href="">OpenDNS</a>. Newell responds to the Steam VAC on controversy <a href="">reddit</a>. The idea about social engineering is something I will need to ponder for a few days. Interestingly, Newell says that some of the cheats use DRM to confirm that a user has paid for the cheats. I would still love to know what RMS has to say though I assume he would still be opposed to the Steam VAC because it is really just a non-free reponse to a non-free software. Why are <a href="">some game codes</a> acceptable while others are not? If the publisher is the only person who can choose then we are not using free software. Though of course, not everyone cares. All that being said, this is not to say that Steam VAC is malicious, but it is probably analogous to building F-22 Raptors to fight farmers in the desert. Lots of effort, inflated by misperception. And only with a 13 day life span. </p>

### 2014-02-17 <p> Food Fight has a <a href="">Portland Vegan Guide</a> on their website. I saw <a href="">Revolution OS</a> a while ago. Great watch for your CS history lessons. Where are all the <a href="">women hackers</a>? (Cornelia Sollfrank) When copyright law inhibits <a href="">medical, scientific critique about AIDS</a>, you know there is a problem. <br/> I read some of the comments about a possible <a href="">security issue with the Steam VAC</a>. Whether or not it is legitimate, I am surprised that so many people have the STFU attitude. And only one mention of freedom/RMS that I could see on the whole discussion. heh. BTW, I am a total Steam fanboy myself. I just like pointing out when other people take themselves too seriously. Broadcast ior telecommunication codec option? <a href="">Opus</a> might be just the thing. Irony and sarcasm <a href="">punctuation</a>?!? This is something we used to talk about at summer camp when I was a kid. Kindred spirits, we meet, separated by lifetimes. I read <a href="">this article</a> about some cops who misidentified and opened fire on two different groups. It is sad, but the truth is that cops are humans like the rest of us. Over the course of time, statics will populate different event types. As far as the story goes, I feel like the report is biased against the cops who fired and is biased for the people who were fired upon (understandably). But what about the actual targeted person or the commanding officers? It feels like something is left out. I reinstalled <a href="">the Hurd</a> this week. I downloaded the <a href="">QEMU</a> image and the installer images for both the dvd and the net install for the intended use with Virtualbox. I had trouble on my particular platforms with the QEMU (crashed on boot) and installer dvd version (crashed on install four times). The net install version seems fine, but I am still trying different repos to see which one is best. I keep getting errors running Emacs, which seems ironic and is incredibly annoying. Note, I found <a href="">this guide</a> useful for troubleshooting and setup. </p>

### 2014-02-16 <p> I added a page called OMSE, though I might move it mytrolls due to the static nature. Or I can just have a software engineering page (maybe just keep the name) and keep the history to a minimum. </p>

### 2014-02-15 <p> If you recall your computer science history lessons (or perhaps you lived it!) you will remember when open source broke away from free softare because part of the community was interested in practicality and convenience over freedom and liberties. Though the two are not completely exclusive groups; one thing the FLOSS community takes for granted is that a project can be forked, as long as it coincides with the license. But recently, there has been a restrictive stance by <a href="">Canonical Ubuntu</a> and <a href="">Google Android</a> as to what is considered "open" or not. I wonder if what we are seeing here is another camp in the free/libre and open-source realm. There has been talk about this all over the tech news, particularly /. news. Mostly notably, and also on /. is a blog from <a href="">Jonathan Riddell at Kubuntu</a> with their reaction. </p>

### 2014-02-13 <p> <a href="">Jake Ryder</a>, these bikes are awesome. Check out the <a href="">video</a>. I read this <a href="">thread on reddit</a> and got all depressed about how little progress we have made as a first world nation in the last twenty years. <br/> I'm thinking about reading <a href="">Titan</a> next, based on a friend's recommendation. Jonas Nordby from the University of Oslo cracked <a href="">Jotunvillur</a>. Vitoð ér enn, eða hvat? </p>

### 2014-02-12 <p> I ran into a problem when updating Trisquel, recently. Thanks to <a href="">make tech easier</a> I figured out the problem. </p>

### 2014-02-11 is <a href="">The Day We Fight Back</a> <p> Larry Niven has a book on <a href="">Limits</a> on Smashwords (DRM-free). It has crossed my mind to put together a page for MOOC classes. Here is an interesting course on <a href="">Advanced Numerical Analysis</a> and another on <a href="">Essential Math for Game Programmers</a>. I think I found these on Reddit or /. but I cannot remember. The <a href="">Stella</a> guitar amp looks like a fun little project. The Macross/Robotech <a href="">LEGO VF-1 Valkyrie</a> has gained enough support to move on to the review stage before production or release! Next, I want to see the SDF-1! If you are a Mozilla fan you can use <a href="">What Can I Do For Mozilla</a> to find a project. This online tool, <a href="">Fidus Writer</a> looks like an excellent networked file editor. I was reading through some bookmarks I had saved. I found this page <a href="">Writings on Open Source Hardware</a> on Open Collector. Looks like I was also in the process of investigating <a href="">Wallabag</a>. This website called <a href="">Hackertyper</a> is so awesome, I'm jealous I did not think of it first. One of my best friends is a fan of Slackware. He recommends using <a href="">SBOPKG</a>. </p>

### 2014-02-09 <p> I keep reading about the <a href="">HTTPS Everywhere</a> addon for Firefox. I have an eye on the <a href="">Fairphone</a>. Someone in the Replicant forums is waiting for them to completely release their kernel source as per GPL. I might sign up for the next batch if things work out. </p>

### 2014-02-07 <p> This brain dump comes from hunting for a hosted version control repo for both of current my gigs. I have experience with several of these: <a href="">Assembla</a>, <a href="">Redmine</a>, <a href="">Trac</a>, <a href="">Github</a>, <a href="">Atlassian Bitbucket</a>, <a href="">SourceForge</a>, <a href="">Savannah (GNU or nonGNU, latter listed)</a>, <a href="">Google Code</a>, <a href="">RTC</a> from (IBM), and <a href="">'s list of repos</a>. </p>

### 2014-02-06 <p> A brain dump: today I read a comparison relating <a href="">BSD and Linux</a>, I skimmed a survey on <a href="">XNU</a>, I discovered <a href="">Red Star OS</a>, I laughed my way through the fanboy comment wars in an <a href="">Android and Linux</a> article, and I learned about two interesting languages <a href="">Jython</a> and <a href="">STAX</a>. Today my former professor told me about <a href="">Asterix the Gaul</a>. </p>

### 2014-01-28 <p> I just found out about <a href="">WorldCat</a>. I think I shall link to all the books from my masters program. Check out this book by Gojko Adzic called <a href="">Specification by Example</a>. I feel like kindred spirits have answered my prayers. One of my biggest challenges in college, in and of itself, were the test sessions. I feel like a hypothesis coming on after reading this article about <a href="">a corollary or causal relationship between memory quantity and recall performance</a>. </p>

### 2014-01-27 <p> MIT OpenCourseWare shares <a href="">more course materials</a> from their library of knowledge. </p>

### 2014-01-25 <p> I found some <a href="">funny computer science jokes</a>. </p>

### 2014-01-24 <p> <a href="">Some dark corners of C</a>. The <a href="">Adventures of Duane and Brando</a> seem like some really hilarious musicians. I've spent most of the last week or so in C# in the ASP.NET framework. Then I found out about the <a href="">dotGNU</a> project and got excited. So far it isn't quite a useable replacement (and is paused in development), but it's always fun to learn about the available spectrum of softwares out there. I watched this video about <a href="">high medical costs in the US</a> (among other things). "The average hip replacement in the USA costs $40,364. In Spain, it costs $7,371. That means I can literally fly to Spain, [get a hip replacement], live in Madrid for 2 years, learn Spanish, run with the bulls, get trampled, get my hip replaced again, and fly home for less than the cost of a hip replacement in the US." There are <a href="">forest fires</a> on the Oregon coast. I was thinking that the social pressure for men to shave or not shave might be left over from racism during the crusades from yestermillenia. </p>

### 2014-01-08 <p> I found another game on LGW called <a href="">Zero-K</a> that looks awesome. Opinion follows: English exists as a pidgin of Norse, Greek, and a few others. Oh fine, English can have the creole title! And now for another experiement with <a href="">E-Prime</a>. Should we have a right to public data? The burning of the Library of Alexandria <a href="">happens again, this time in Canada</a> (metaphor, thanks). Supposedly some documents met the waste bin, though some have electronic copies. As particular as I can be about keyboards and my need for haptics and tactile response, I want to build one of these <a href="">laser virtual keyboards</a>! I don't really have a software <b>engineering</b> section. I mentioned Brooks as a historical/influential figure (and still!). I should probably reference to terms such as quality, reuse, requirements, estimation, and terms such as NIHS, COTS, no silver bullet, and the mythical man-month. I moved some things around on the website. I'll probably change them again later. </p>

### 2014-01-02 <p> I was thinking about creating a page for <b>data</b> (as in the content in the file storage) since I already have one for <b>software</b>. Then a page such as <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> would make more sense. Thanks to the Libregamewiki I found a game called <a href="">The Legend of Edgar</a> that looks like a promsing metroidvania game. Daily Kos: <a href="">15 things everyone would know if there were a Liberal media</a>. Well tanj and double tanj. Apparently someone's <a href="">musical instruments were destroyed</a> and <a href="">no one wants to say they're sorry</a> and the world treats <a href="">mass murders better than activists</a>. </p>

### 2013-12-30 <p> I found <a href="">this article on Ragnarok</a> while trolling for fun, bedtime stories about the end of the world. There are some common mistakes. Today's lesson: Fenrir is Loki… Garm Fenrisulf. It means Fenrir's wolf, or the non-literal interpretation Lokisson or Loki's son. This is the same mistake as Frankenstein and his monster; the monster often called Frankenstein, itself. Okay, I'll stop before I write more reactionary comments that eclipse the original article. I have created a blog subdirectory at <a href="">mytrolls</a> with Apache creating the index. I feel discouraged having to register at website after website in order to post responses to others' thoughts. I really liked a blog I read on ReactOS and it sort of spun out of control. Lots to say. Mostly for my own benefit, I have saved it to share. Note, I obviously did not know the whole context or backstory behind the topic of discussion. </p>

### 2013-12-29 <p> I wonder if <a href="">badBIOS</a> is related to <a href="">the NSA ANT division</a>. </p>

### 2013-12-28 <p> King County Superior Court Judge Andrea Darvas rules the minimum wage and paid sick leave law <a href="">does not apply to roughly 4,700 airport workers</a> but does cover about 1,600 workers at SeaTac hotels, rental car agencies and parking lots. Projects such as <a href="">OpenDesk</a> and <a href="">WikiHouse</a> remind me of what I thought was called "Open Farm Equipment" but all I've been able to find is <a href="">Open Source Ecology</a>. So perhaps that is indeed the one. Not inter-process communication, but inducement prize contests. Not the Hurd, but P vs NP. </p>

### 2013-12-26 <p> I'm not sure if I'm supposed to find this funny because of the content of the joke or sad because it is censorship. Earlier this month, GitHub took down a satirical language <a href="">C Plus Equality</a>. It looks like they've also been removed from <a href="">Bitbucket</a> as well. Chuck Palaniuk has a new short story called <a href="">Zombie</a>. I was reading an interesting <a href="">forum on holographic universes</a> which lead me to some other pages on the Bekenstein bound and <a href="">CMB intensity</a>. An article by Rahul Bali called "<a href="">Linux is Everywhere. We show you exactly where</a>" surveys some of the governmental, educational, and professional usage of the Linux kernel and in many of the cases, the GNU OS. I would be interested to see a more in depth survey for GNU componentents in general. </p>

### 2013-12-25 <p> I want to reclaim my youth with <a href="">Hedgewars</a>, a libre and gratis game that takes me back to the 90's. <a href="">Project AM2R</a> looks really interesting; another Metroid 2 remake! I have spent quite a bit of time remaking the website around free <a href="software">software</a> after I became a "born again GNU" last summer. I'm turning the top page into my new blog. Probably going to be a µblog; just short stuff. Descending order. Precision only to the day. Mixture of fun and politics or whatever I find interesting. I have a design goal which is to keep the site text-browser friendly. </p>

### 2013-12-20 <p> Things were simple for a while, but I shall now rebuild. </p>